The Beauty and Benefits of Sustainable Jewelry

Sustainable jewelry, also known as eco-friendly jewelry, is a growing trend in the jewelry industry. As consumers, we are becoming more aware of the impact our choices have on the environment and the people who...

Yoga Retreat Centers

“All I need is my passport and yoga mat.” This is a ubiquitous phrase to those who have ever experienced a trip to a Yoga Retreat Center — it’s the simple things in life. What...

Mindfully, Fall In Love With Your Well-Being

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." — Robert Morely. In the world today, we are granted access to the lives of others through our digital devices. This access may...

Recharging Your Mind, Body & Spirit

“Healthy self-love means being gentle with the soul within you. To love oneself is the purest, bravest thing. Anybody in the entire world can experience self-love. Just do the simple acts of love for yourself,...

Cold Therapy: The Body Hack You Didn’t Know You Needed

“Cold is a stressor, so if you are able to get into the cold and control your body’s response to it, you will be able to control stress.” -  Wim Hof What is cold therapy?...

Five Of Our Favorite Body Hacks To Boost Your Mind, Body & Spirit

“Science is ultimately catching up to spirit thanks to modern technology. We now have tools and techniques, which are measurable, allowing us the opportunity to develop a Mind, Body, Spirit (MBS) Operating System to support...

The Root of Sustainability From Hadobody

“Hadobody fashion brand is designed to pique your interest, intrigue your intellect and awe your senses.” - Dianna Smith, Founder of Hadobody Sustainability, by definition, means avoiding the depletion of natural resources to maintain an...

The Enriching Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep

"Sleep is the best meditation." — Dalai Lama. Sleep brings us the most peace in our day. A midday power nap can be a mindful way to recharge our battery and consistent quality sleep at...

The Secret to Manifesting Your Goals

“When you set an intention, The Universe conspires to give you the inspiration to make it happen.” — Trish McKinnley. The New Year is upon us, and it is a perfect time to look inward to connect...